a little sugar and spice of me

fb: tia azhar

CURRENTLY AWAY.TIA IS IN HER OWN WORLD ENJOYING PEACE.WONT FIND HER AT FACEBOOK, NEITHER MYSPACE AT THE MOMENT.~TQ buzz ma numbah if ya miss me.would glad to reply.and oh ya,u can shut my song if you feel annoyed by it. XOXO

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Here it goes again,i didnt do much today but i went to complex kraftangan at Jalan Conlay with my mum to pick up some forms.Again there's going to be a wedding promotion at early Jun and my mum is going to take part like we did 2 years back.I think i saw ucop and the crew back there but we didnt meet because we were in a hurry.Later,i went for a drink and accidently met auntie lia and serra at the cafeteria.Ladies in gossips i call this one.Talking about marriage and available bachelors(married and been left =/).haha.I must say that these days,people aint care that much to be open about everything.When i say about it,i really mean it.The day just went back to normal when it rained and i felt calm for first time in this week.The little rain drops over my head does give me a bit headache but actually the sound of it really keeps away all those misery in your mind.

Anyways when i reached home,i went up to the attic after so long its been empty and filled with lots and lots of empty and unread books.I pretty much messed up my hand by touching here and there and i was suprised how my new maid gathered all the books in one place which now it looks a bit organized than before.I pulled out few old books that im interested to read but i didnt enjoy it much because it was all about tax and some craps that i wouldnt understand.I starting my old habit again,that is giving all my money away for books that cost more than its words.haha.lol.The only cheapest place i could get it is at the top floor bookstore hidden somewhere next to the cantin at the mall shopping complex.Its been a while since i've been to that area for some personal reasons.

Again,i looked haggard today and i dont know why im feeling kinda sick and tired.I've been counting of the days to come and to be honest,im not ready for college.You know,adapting and adjusting yourselves with assignments and homeworks after 5 months being a lazy wormbook.And and and and and and and,i dont want to wake up that early in the morning.Let just pretend that the world clock is in an error so we could have all the time for ourselves.crap.That aint gonna happen :p.And the stars would blink at you and say "hey lets get some sleep tonight".As the matter of fact it did blink at me
just now,and the distance just wont give me the chance to reply.haha.okay okay.bye.

Just listen to this will you?
What a talented and cutie woman and she's getting better than ever. =)

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