a little sugar and spice of me

fb: tia azhar

CURRENTLY AWAY.TIA IS IN HER OWN WORLD ENJOYING PEACE.WONT FIND HER AT FACEBOOK, NEITHER MYSPACE AT THE MOMENT.~TQ buzz ma numbah if ya miss me.would glad to reply.and oh ya,u can shut my song if you feel annoyed by it. XOXO

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My paintings are not quite what i expected to turn out like. -__-
Since my scanner is slightly smaller than its size,it appear a lil bit smaller lah.
I've messed up the pupil! urghh.kamcoi btul lah.i call this one the stoner lady.kah2

Tulip,bulbous plant. I know-_- its purple,its supposed to be pinkish.hehe.I made
a little change.who cares anyway.wanna use canvas but didnt hv one,mls nak beli.

Chrysanthemum's clone.Plant it once and it died.Obviously not in a good hands
I know -_- again, i painted it red instead of yellow.haha.cam banga
ng je pilih colour.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

dear blog, ^___^

Peningnya macam ini,tp xpe.Every cloud has a silver lining.Lets just put that matter aside,and think straight.Im totally hanging up my mind up into the air,murder me please. Havent 'X marks the spot' thats what im thinking. =/.Meet me up with danial radcliff please so i can hug him.uwaaaaa.and i lost my worm piece.It took me ages nak siap kan tahu tak.Frustnya bile hilang kan my piece of work.

Lately i've been sitting at home and jd dungu kejap,malas nak lepak2.I rather sit on my lazy couch and read a book,idk why haihh.Lagu house of the rising sun keeps playing in my mind,my dad suka sgt main lagu tuh kat rumah.haha!but too bad he cant sing like Eric Burdon but he always blow me away with his skills lah.Im trying to sing along that song but it kept me laughing,the melody just doesnt fit my voice.wahahaha. but Sinead O'connor sang it beautifully not like me.I've heard muse version,they kinda killed the song i must say.Too bad,no one knows who wrote the song kan.

Anyway,this morning i asked my mum a question and it sounded like this "ma, howcome a southpaw like me do other activities with my right?".and she answered "cause u're mankidal".hahaha.i was laughing cam gila.haihh ^__^.oh my,i miss my sis. :'( .Asyik facebook je tiap2 hari,uhhh buhsannyaaa and layan formspringnya lagi.This is what people's problem right now,they get addictive.Its like a morphine which develops rapidly in our brain and blood.

By the way after reading eragon ,i jadi cam berangan pulak.wahahaha.Now im filled with fantasy and craps.Nak tuang air oren campur sirap pun konon2 cam buat elixir of life lah.It turns out to be colour air punch cam potion.tuih potion lah sgt.Now i have to find my self a wand,i wanna zappp my bed into a queen size bed,wahaha.berangan!.and i want harry potter as my date.wuhuuu. :P can ah?

As a matter of fact,i am looking for an antique bed,a queen size.I've tried my very best to get the 100 years old bed at my kampung in Melacca since nobody is the heir,but i failed.uwaaa.Its warisan and my mum said x boleh. aduh.hampanya dengar.But i still want one and im gonna buy one! wahaha.and it must be white.weee classy.off with the bed.Im sleepy now.Im gonna HIT THE HAY.wohhooo.

currently listening to:hey jude by the beatles
mood: feeling empty while eating a bar of sneakers and drinking milk.ngehehe :p

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Thursday,sgt buhsan.I just got home from ampang and talked to an through webbie on ym.Jeleznyaaa tgk rambut dia da panjang! xpe xpe xpe,mine will soon grow back.weeee :p Susah gila nak ikat rambut pendek,tp ringan kot kepale..ngehehe...I was supposed to go for a trip lagi with my friends tp x jd la pulok,everybd is now buzy with college and stuff.Dian is goin to nirwana,shamir pg johor and the others pun jaoh2 jgak. *sob2. I kinda lost my mood yesterday,patut jmpa tuka hp,dia plak x reply hmm.So i waited like i usually do. =/

Anyway,my dad is now bz with the nigerians and i hope to meet em soon and have a talk.He might be flying there this end of jun.Sekali lagi kebuhsan melanda,haihhh.Kosong pulak rumah skang rasa.Obviously time passed so fast and everybd grew up so quickly.Pejam celik pejam celik 2010 rasa cam cepat lak pulak kan and im going to be 18 soon dah.I kinda miss someone but it confused me a lot cause i cant really determine whom im missing.pelik kan.

Aku ni dah la tga sayu asyik dgr lagu si thaqif ni nyanyi,leh akk kan.College plak lama lagi start,so nak xnak layan jele facebook. Nowadays,malas nak on9 lama2 tp nak jgak bukak.I cant resist the temptation.wakaka. :p mcm2 aku nak beli dalam kepale aku ni lah.haihh.shopaholic betul lah.while writing this,its raining heavily outside..lagi laaa sayu.hahahah.xley bla.Feeling like playing ddr tp makhluk mana nth pg rosakkan carpet tuh.xsyok dahhhh. :(((

apa2 pun.layan jela lagu bawah ni.thaqif ni kecik tp suare sdp. ngehehehe.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

sumpah comel thaqif ni.suara sdp gila.cover dia best.sayuu je bile dgr.i think im in love.wakaka.cover seribu tahun dia sedappp. and of course lagu replay.weee <3 <3 <3
tahu tak kaca.yg da berkecai kecai kecai kecai kecai kecai.
sumpah menyesal tgk album tu. bengkak mata aku kau buat.
it felt like almost breathing under water.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

weee.im getting hold of the song ! too bad im not using classic.it'll definitely sound better.pffttt.janji bestt.weee.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


im begging u to ask me a question..pwettyy phleashhh with sugar on topp http://formspring.me/TiaAzhar

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

carla bruni! :)